Tag: job

negotiate salary

How to negotiate your salary

There are numerous reasons why we work. Some of us do it as a passion, while others just try to make a difference in the community. What we all have in common is the necessity to sustain ourselves and our families. After all, money is what pays the bills. Everybody wants a job, but our

Get a jobJob interview tips
write career references

How to write the perfect references for any job position

There is no such thing as a well-drafted resume until you include a good list of references. Many job applicants make the mistake of submitting sloppily done references without realizing that it may also potentially ruin their chances of getting hired.  Here are some great tips on preparing your references: 1.) Choose wisely from your prospects

Career advice
Motivated at work

How to stay motivated at work

You feel ecstatic every time you receive your paycheck, but that’s about it. The first few months might have been different because you were all excited about the opportunity you found yourself in, but now you just can’t seem to focus on your work anymore because you find it boring, meaningless, or even frustrating. The

Career advice
Get a job easier

Why others are getting a job easier than you

A witty, hilarious joke graduates commonly hear during their ceremonial rite is, “Welcome to the world of depression and unemployment.” Like many other jokes, a percentage of it is based on truth. As a person embarks the tedious process of job seeking, he discovers a wide array of things including questioning oneself why the job was

Career advice
Looking for a job

The main reasons why you are still looking for a job

Searching for a job can be a tedious and disheartening undertaking, and having to do it for a long period of time can be even more so. There are plenty of reasons why you may still be looking for a job right now despite submitting numerous applications and going on countless interviews. It could be

Career advice
relationship at work

The benefits of creating good relationships at work

In this world where the “me-first” attitude is most prevalent and the self-made millionaire is commended, team work is rather seen as a roadblock to one’s own success. It is no longer surprising to see workers keeping secrets from one another, refusing to help others, and even undermining their coworkers just to get ahead. Little

Career advice
create a strong relationship with your boss

How to create a strong relationship with your boss

In your career, there is only one other person aside from yourself who can make or break you – your boss! If you have any plans at all to move forward in your professional life, you must nurture a harmonious, effective relationship with your superior. This kind of relationship is imperative as it will serve

Career adviceProductivity at work
unemployment rate is so high

How to get a job when the unemployment rate is so high

From one corner of the world to another, unemployment has not only begun to rear its ugly head, but has also become a condition that’s slowly turning permanent. If the forecasts of various reports on labor conditions are to be believed, more and more people will be counted among the unemployed sector of the labor

Career advice
10 Best Ways To Resign With Professionalism

10 Best Ways To Resign With Professionalism – Infographic

Resignation is significant because it marks a turning point in your career. Whatever the circumstances were which led to this decision will change your life over the next 15-30 days. Thus, resignation is never easy. Regardless, you must always make it a point to end your tenure with dignity, honor and utmost professionalism. Here’s an


8 Common Mistakes Employee Make When Asking For A Promotion

It does not matter how good or uncertain the economy is, asking for a promotion at work has always been the toughest talk with the employers. You feel constantly stressed over the thought of being turned down any moment during the discussion. Needless to say, your reputation at the workplace is at stake too. But,

Career advice