unemployment rate is so high

How to get a job when the unemployment rate is so high

From one corner of the world to another, unemployment has not only begun to rear its ugly head, but has also become a condition that’s slowly turning permanent. If the forecasts of various reports on labor conditions are to be believed, more and more people will be counted among the unemployed sector of the labor force in the years to come. This only means that countless people will be vying for limited job vacancies, and the competition to get hired will become even tougher.

So how do you ensure you get a job despite the soaring unemployment rates that are wreaking havoc on the work force? Here are some tips to make sure you don’t have to stay unemployed for long:

Open your eyes (and mind) to the wealth of possibilities.

Since the current economy isn’t doing much to increase the number of job openings, you will have to open your eyes to the out-of-the-box choices before you. If you can’t seem to find a vacancy for the exact job position you want, you may want to widen your search to include the positions that are somewhat related to what you’re looking for. The position you get or the company you work for may not be your target in the first place, but consider your dream job a work in progress. In the meantime, you get to work and earn the funds to put enough food on your table while the rest of the world is crying out with hunger.

Don’t let rejection get to you.

Some people give up after being rejected a few times. Most throw in the towel after being shown the door several times. How about you? How many times will you allow yourself to be told no before you give up your search? Your answer should be seventy times seven. In other words, giving up shouldn’t be one of your options! After all, if you quit now, then you’re not any closer to getting employed. If you persist, then you’re steps nearer to that golden opportunity just waiting for you at the end of the road.

Tap into your various networks and contacts.

Aside from the usual route of checking for job listings in newspapers, company websites, and online search engines, it pays to get in touch with your various professional and personal contacts. Sometimes, information from the inside is the best and most effective resource because it will give you a head start on other applicants who’ll hear about the vacancy much later. Whoever said that talking and chatting won’t get you anywhere surely doesn’t know the value of a wide and varied professional network.

Accept that you may have to strive your way up to the position you want.

If you are relatively new to the field, you will have to embrace the possibility that you will be working for less money at a lower position than you are actually aiming for. This may sound bleak to you, but considering the reluctance of employers everywhere to hire someone with little or no experience, you can still count yourself lucky if you get hired. Once you prove your worth to your employers and show them just how much more you can do, you’ll be offered better compensation and maybe even a higher position in due time.

Just do it!

All this talk about getting a job will be for nothing if you don’t get off the couch and start pounding the pavement. Realistically speaking, especially in an economy headed for more trouble, jobs won’t be handed to you on a silver platter. Get out there, and start finding a job. Just don’t forget to bring along with you your updated and proofread professional resume.

Granted, the unemployment rates are high enough to scare just about anyone. Still, you shouldn’t be put off the notion of searching for a job. Keep trying. There’s bound to be a job out there with your full name on it.
