Get a job easier

Why others are getting a job easier than you

A witty, hilarious joke graduates commonly hear during their ceremonial rite is, “Welcome to the world of depression and unemployment.” Like many other jokes, a percentage of it is based on truth. As a person embarks the tedious process of job seeking, he discovers a wide array of things including questioning oneself why the job was awarded to someone else. If you have been rejected, quit sulking, and start analyzing where you went wrong and what others have done right. Here are the possible points that you can assess yourself with.

1) Your résumé doesn’t match the job for which you applied.

Others may have gotten the job simply because they applied for the role that fits squarely with their degree, certifications, line of experience, and skill set. You must understand that sending 100 resumes to random employers for any open slot will not do the trick. Others get the job at one try, because they have painstakingly gone through all the job vacancies and pruned out the ones they know they do not have a chance at or those they know they will never be good at.

2) You sold yourself short.

Others get hired easily than you because they have sold themselves better than you did using their resume. Once a recruiter scavenges through thousands and thousands of submitted curriculum vitae, they will handpick a few that stand out among others in terms of format, presentability, and content. There are specific qualifications a recruiter has in mind as he goes through each of them; others get the job simply because they have tailored the resume to the specific role they applied for. If you used a “one-size-fits-all” resume, that explains why you didn’t get the job! Others understand that their resume is their bridge to build a relationship with the recruiter and to prove their worth. Take the time to carefully screen through every word you put in and weigh the consequences at every juncture.

3) There are inconsistencies between your claimed qualifications and your actual qualifications.

Others get hired easier because the gap between what they claim they possess and what they actually possess is little to zilch. Recruiters have gone through countless interviews that they easily sense exaggerations, understatements, and blunt lies. Others got hired more than you because they have proven during the actual encounter, that everything they claim they have is everything they bring at hand. That simple gesture of honesty in one’s resume, speaks not only of the qualifications you claim but of integrity at its finest.

4) You failed to leave a good, worth remembering impression during your interview.

True that others may not have as many impressive qualifications like you have, but understand that those who got hired successfully imprinted themselves and what they can do to the recruiter. Your recruiter does not know you. The better question at the end of it is, did you display confidence and assertiveness without having to sound arrogant? Did you display an in-depth character without having to try so hard? Did you display a clear set of goals for yourself and for the company you intend to be part of? Did you physically look like someone who can play the part? Others who got hired may have victoriously met the checklists of the recruiters as well as made sure they walked out of the interview room remembered.

In your next foray into the world of employment seeking, be confident and believe that this time around, you are better than the others because you have prepared.
