ResumeOK’s Blog

Discover what experts recommend to write in your resume to get the most attention. On the blog, you can find hundreds of recommendations from top career experts about resume writing, cover letters, job interviews and career growth.

employers and your CV

What employers want to see on your CV

Being a freelancer has a lot of major perks, but it also presents plenty of challenges. One of the biggest challenges you’ll face is convincing an employer to take you on and give you enough projects. In this aspect of applying for a job, freelance work is not that different from a regular position. You’ll

Career advice
11 Signs You Need To Quit Your Job

11 Signs You Need To Quit Your Job

Most people spend a significant chunk of their time at work. It’s where individuals spend majority of their waking hours and it’s an important part of daily life. And no matter what job you do, you should feel respected and have dignity in your work. Your work should never harm your health or your overall

Career advice
Top 10 Tips for Managing a Phone Interview

Top 10 Tips for Managing a Phone Interview

Many recruiters nowadays are beginning to stray from the traditional route of meeting potential candidates in person and opt for conducting phone interviews instead. This happens for a number of reasons. Sometimes an employer will get up to 1,000 job applications and there simply isn’t enough time in a day to meet with all of

Job interview tips
create a strong relationship with your boss

How to create a strong relationship with your boss

In your career, there is only one other person aside from yourself who can make or break you – your boss! If you have any plans at all to move forward in your professional life, you must nurture a harmonious, effective relationship with your superior. This kind of relationship is imperative as it will serve

Career adviceProductivity at work
10 Smart Ways To Make A Resume Stand Out

10 Smart Ways To Make A Resume Stand Out

We spend many hours looking for ways to make our resume stand out. And why shouldn’t we? Thousands of resumes are submitted to recruiters in various companies every day. Recruiters spend their entire shift perusing over hundreds of applications assessing which ones move to the interview. And essentially that is what a resume is all

Resume writing tips
Write A Resume When You’ve Just Graduated

Write A Resume When You’ve Just Graduated

Before graduation, you couldn’t wait to start looking for a real job that would set the course of your career path. You have clear goals: you’ll be happy with a starting position, but it has to be related to your education and you want to get fair payment for it. Plus, you want that first

Resume writing tips
Things to do when unemployed

10 things to do when you are unemployed

Being unemployed can certainly be very tough, but it doesn’t have to be in vain.  When you are unemployed, you have more time to do things for yourself that you would not have been able to do if you have a fulltime job.  If you use all this time beneficially to become a better (and

Career advice
unemployment rate is so high

How to get a job when the unemployment rate is so high

From one corner of the world to another, unemployment has not only begun to rear its ugly head, but has also become a condition that’s slowly turning permanent. If the forecasts of various reports on labor conditions are to be believed, more and more people will be counted among the unemployed sector of the labor

Career advice