ResumeOK’s Blog

Discover what experts recommend to write in your resume to get the most attention. On the blog, you can find hundreds of recommendations from top career experts about resume writing, cover letters, job interviews and career growth.

How To Answer Salary Expectations

Your interview could be going well and you’re starting to feel confident about next Monday being your first day on the job. Then, comes the question that makes every job interviewee squirm: “What are your salary expectations for the job?” It’s a question that’s been asked for decades by Hiring Managers. Most likely, you were

Job interview tips

How To Answer Why Do You Want To Work Here

If you’ve been practicing your answers to “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your weaknesses”, add “Why do you want to work here” to the list of possible interview questions. In fact, you might want to spend a bit more time working on the best response to this question because it might be the

Job interview tips

How To Answer What Are Your Weaknesses

Getting invited to an interview is exciting because you know you’ve moved one step closer to landing the job you’ve had your eye on. The recruiter must have been impressed with your resume enough to put it on the “for interview” pile. But you know you’re not the only one. An interview is a process

Job interview tips

How To Answer Tell Me About Yourself

In a job interview, you can almost always expect the Hiring Manager to ask you the question “Tell me about yourself”. The answer seems easy enough as it is. After all, who knows more about you – than you, right? But this is a job interview. You’re not talking to a stranger you’ve just met

Job interview tips
Search Demand for Remote Jobs In the UK Soars To All Time High In October 2022

Search Demand for Remote Jobs in the UK soars to all time high

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been huge shifts in the job markets. One of the most important ones is that remote work has gone mainstream. More than two years later, after both business owners and employees have experienced the benefits of working remotely, the trend of remote work seems to be unstoppable.


Covid-19 Impact For Job Seekers In The United States – 2020 Survey Results

A ResumeOK survey reveals the impact that the Covid-19 crisis has had for job seekers in the United States of America.  Between July 1st and August 5th, we asked 2,891 job seekers located in the United States how they think the epidemic crisis will impact their career.  These are the most interesting findings: 1. 55.4%


How Many Previous Jobs Should You Mention On A Resume?

When it comes to listing the number of jobs you’ve had in your resume, more isn’t necessarily better and less might not be enough. The right number comes down to one thing: relevance. How relevant is your previous job to the position you’re applying for? With that mind, deciding on how many jobs should be

Resume writing tips

How To List Self-Employment On A Resume

It used to be the case that when a recruiter would see “Self-Employed” on a resume, the thought balloon might read “Couldn’t get a job”. Such might not be the case anymore. Becoming self-employed can be perceived as having “initiative”, “entrepreneurial”, “confident”, “resourceful”, and having leadership qualities. All of these are many sought-after soft skills

Resume writing tips